- Portada
- Portadilla
- Página legal
- Table of contents
- Introduction
- Trip 1
- the sales pitch
- Los secretos
- The Great Depression
- The melting Pot
- Trip 2
- Rollerblade
- The Cold War
- Pizza
- Burning out vs. Fading Away
- Trip 3
- Optimism
- Bauhaus
- Peter frampton
- Marketing Blunders
- Trip 4
- The jam
- The Fifa World Cup
- Hot Dogs
- Delivering Presentations
- Trip 5
- The Chicago Cubs
- Starbucks
- Skyscrapers
- the wall
- Trip 6
- Work/Life Integration
- The Who
- James Michener’s Iberia
- The Doggie Bag
- Trip 7
- American Pie
- The Driver’s License
- In Search of Excellence
- The Great Chicago Fire
- Trip 8
- Mtv
- Volkswagen Beetle
- The Dilbert Principle
- Led Zeppelin
- Trip9
- Coffee
- The Smiths
- Yuppies
- The Pareto Principle or the 80/20 Rule
- Trip 10
- B.b. King
- Bubble gum
- Rosa Montero
- Spiritual Capital
- Trip 11
- Job-hopping
- Fishing
- Jimi Hendrix
- Teamwork
- Trip 12
- Chicago’s Aragon Ballroom
- Corporate Image
- Tipping
- Life’s Roads
- Translation Challenge Answers
- Glossary